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Individual Sponsors

Producer ($1,500+)

Virginia Coats
Dan & Marilynne Kulpa


Director's Circle ($1,000 - $1,499)

Paul & Carolyn Wolf


First chair sponsor ($500 - $999) 

Elaine Wheeler
Lonnie Au
Rod & Natalie King


Section sponsor ($250 - $499)

 James Liechty - Flute section sponsor
Rudy Wuttke [In memory of Magdalen (Hon) Wuttke]
Patsy Hinkle - Bassoon section sponsor
Barry & Mary Jane Brown
|John & Deanna Mohre - Tuba section sponsor

Spotlight ($40 - $249)

Janet Garver
Nancy Gossett
Isaac Embree
Mickell Ihnen
Bob & Mary Short
Linda Balthaser
Debi Kennedy
Connie & Blaine Heinfeld
Rose Ann Scranton
James Brunson
Dave Coats
Don & Julie Cox
John Hoppe
Max & Sandy Robison
Nelson Coats
Tom Gidley
Mickell Ihnen
Vince & Marty LaBarbera
John F. Newbauer


Mentor ($1 - $39)

Debbie Vilensky
Beta Sigma Phi
Joanne Cearbaugh
Don Zelman
Austin Hodson
Gary Kantz
Pam McLaughlin
Theresa & Doug Overy[In memory of Judy Blackwell]